Traveling Again!

Hey everyone,

I can’t believe I am on the road again- already!  Left San Antonio yesterday and am in Mobile, AL today.

Driving through rain as I seem to play catch with the storms moving through the south.  Sometimes I won, and sometimes not.  But through it all I was either listening to the latest Christian music, talking to God or enjoying the silence.  Drive time can be a great time of enlightenment, listening for the Holy Spirit to talk or just I talk out loud.

Actually, I do that last one more than I like to admit.  I often talk aloud when I am around other people.  That can either get me strange looks or they leave me alone- which is a good thing when it is crowded in the grocery store. 🙂

This trip so far I worked out some issues, put together a plan of action for a department of AHI, reminded myself of the list of people to contact in Israel and received some creative ideas from the Giver of All Advice, God Himself. 🙂  I love Him for that- plus more, of course, but that is a favorite.

But there was one thing at the top of my list- I am going to see my daughter in Florida before I head north.  We have not seen one another for awhile so I get to grab some time with her and my great son-in-law.

God is good to us all the time.  We may have work problems, health difficulties, feel  exhausted, frustrated with family, house nightmares and mechanical breakdowns… but in the midst of it all, in His still small voice we have an opportunity to stand in the eye of the storm and listen…

Do you hear Him?  Do you hear what He is saying just to you?  His words are not for anyone else- just you!

Take the time to listen.  Turn off the TV, push the off button on the radio or you MP3, tell your family to stop for a few minutes- or if you have to, drive somewhere quiet.  Then listen… just listen.

I guarantee it will be work your while.  His message is important and just… for… you.

Gotta’ go now. Abba is calling…


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