Questions about AHI and wondering what we actually DO in Israel?
When volunteers arrive, what exactly happens while they are there? What is done for the Survivors that needs additional financial support? What about Beit Shalom- does AHI own or rent? Is there a place for me in AHI? These questions and more can be answered below:
Projects in Motion
1. Heirloom Project
Acknowledging that many Survivors lost all or most of what they had in WWII. They may have lost their grandparents, mother & father, family, home and/or personal belongings. Losing family is horrible, but having nothing left of that family can be an ongoing loss.
The Heirloom Project was born out of this loss. AHI began to think of what we could do for the Survivors; what tangible gift could we give that would have meaning. So, we decided to tap into the talents of those who could make hand crafted items to provide a “new” Heirloom for them to pass on to their children and grandchildren.
The Heirloom Project, with our coordinator Martha, are seeking those who want to be part of this worthwhile opportunity. If you would like to offer your talents you can read more on the Heirloom Project page or write to Martha through the Contact Page.
2. Renovations
Imagine being in your 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, in pain due to arthritis or ill health and no money to hire anyone for simple or even extensive repairs. Many Survivors are in this predicament. Their homes desperately need new paint, broken plumbing, electric outlets hanging out of the wall- and no one to help.
AHI is helping. But we can do more. Partnering with Saxon Friends of Israel in Germany we are able to do the larger renovations. They bring the skilled craftsmen and we pay for the items needed to complete repairs.
How can you help? Two ways:
- Donate so we can afford to purchase the materials needed to make renovations.
- If you are a craftsman and can help in this area, come and volunteer.
3. Days of Remembrance
There are special days we honor the Survivors. For those who are Refugees of WWII, and not considered ‘actual’ Holocaust Survivors in society, these small offerings of Remembrance bring tears and gratitude. On these days volunteers pass out flowers, attend memorials, small gifts or assist at our Annual Sukkot BBQ. In 2013 over 90 people attended, half of which were Holocaust Survivors.
- Card & attend memorial – International Holocaust Day – January 27, 2015
- Candy and visit – Protector of the Motherland Day – February 23, 2015
- Flowers – International Women’s Day – March 8, 2015
- Kosher gifts – Passover – April 4-10, 2015
- Single Rose – Yom haShoah (Holocaust Remembrance) – April 15, 2015
- Single Red Rose – Memorial Day (those lost in the war) – April 22, 2015
- BBQ at Beit Shalom– Sukkot – October 11, 2014
- Small gifts – Hanukah – December 16-24, 2014
Which person are you? One to help pay for a special rose or gift- or someone who comes to hand them out to these precious people? Fill in our contact page and let us know.
4. Food Vouchers – at this time we are no longer able to purchase food vouchers due to a change in the program in Israel. Instead we are checking with each association and individual Survivors to track any need for food. In addition we are giving out packets of dry soup supplied by Israel Food Outreach.
5. Mega Voice
Small, hand-held units, with a solar battery, are available for the Survivors to hear the Psalms or the entire Old Testament in Russian, Hebrew, German, French- whatever language we need. The cost is $30 and the battery recharges on its own by sunlight. Please consider investing in giving the Jewish Scriptures to the Survivors, especially those unable to read anymore!
Cost $30 each. Make a donation and specify Mega Voice.
6. Raisa Vernik Survivor Emergency Fund
A special fund has been established in the name of a Survivor who became very precious to us. You can read her war account on the Survivor page. Upon her death this fund was established by the family who adopted and loved her. From this fund, as long as donations continue to be given into it, we will address emergencies for Survivors, unexpected things that happen in life.
Whether it is medical equipment, sudden financial need, helping with the funeral costs of a Survivor’s spouse or the actual Survivor, or a sudden repair- we have helped, and we wish to continue to be help, in their time of need.
If you want to help us continue this legacy please consider giving generously to this special fund. On the donation page you can designate Survivor Emergency Fund.
7. Recording the Memories
We had the privilege of a professional videographer volunteering his time for the Survivors of AHI. He came over for a few weeks and spent as much time as possible recording the memories of the Survivors, exactly as they wanted to tell their experiences. No interview, no probing, no forcing- only whatever they wanted to say. In his short time there he was able to record almost 100 Survivors. His goal was to record, put it on a DVD and give it to the Survivors to share with their families.
This project included those who were refugees. Few of them have had an opportunity to put their personal past into a media to pass on. You could say, another heirloom.
Dan is returning in April 2015 to continue this wonderful work! He is bringing his brother Chris along to assist him. He has already taken some elegant portraits which we will be sharing in the near future. The Survivors and Association leaders are asking when he will return. Some are afraid of dying before they have this opportunity again. Now we can say in a few weeks!
There is a cost involved in this work- the cost of producing the DVD’s to give the Survivors and the airfare to send Dan back to Israel. He is ready to go!
DVD cost: $100/25 DVDs
Airfare: $2000 for each trip to Israel
Would you please pray and ask God if you are to be part of this work? If so, be sure to designate on the donation page you are investing in the memories of the Survivors.
8. Volunteer Scholarship
Not everyone who wants to come and volunteer their time and talent has the funds to come to Israel but dream of the opportunity to come and embrace Survivors. They often live with the disappointment of not going.
There are those who also would like to go to Israel, can pay their way, but cannot come due to health or other life restrictions. They also are frustrated due to their inability to fulfill their desires, even though they can afford it.
We would like to bring these two types of individuals together. We have already had the wonderful experience of seeing others blessed by another, fulfilling the goals with the support of those who cannot go. Now it is time to open up this opportunity to more.
Consider supporting volunteers who want to go and need a hand up by giving to our Volunteer Scholarship. Our application process still applies to all possible recipients and scholarships are given based on both need of the volunteer and need of AHI for a particular volunteer’s services. God bless those of you who are the Givers to support those who are the Go-ers!
Projects in Planning
- Survival Life Packs
Imagine as the sirens sound a warning in Israel to take cover from rockets, many Survivors find themselves trapped in their homes, unable to reach the shelters in time. Many of them sit in their apartment praying for HaShem to intervene on their behalf while watching the rockets falling around them.
AHI has a project in progress to give these Survivors a chance to survive. During WWII they had no one to help, nothing to be done. You can help us give them a chance to survive another war, to survive once again. Read about the Survival Life Packs in this letter that you can print and share.
Our current estimate is $54 per kit for one Survivor. Please consider providing one or more Survival Life Packs to help Survivors have a change to live- again.
If you would like to assist us as a Coordinator for this project for your area, please contact us and mention “Coordinator of Survival Life Packs” in the notes section.
2. Beit Shalom- to Rent or Own?
For seven years we have been renting, providing lodging to Volunteers and Guests at a house in Akko. We are the only private housing offering lodging within the city of Akko. Two years ago we moved into a house that sleeps up to ten. With three bedrooms, three full baths, a great kitchen, laundry facilities and an enclosed garden with a covered porch and pergola, our House of Peace is a great place to be.
Above Beit Shalom is an apartment where our AHI offices are located. The part known as Old Acre, at 5000yrs, is the oldest seaport in the world and a fascinating place to visit. Walking distance to our Survivor’s homes and great transportation, convenient for all and only a ten minute walk to the Mediterranean Sea- we can’t imagine any other place to be.
We would like to make an offer to our landlords to purchase the property. At this time we do not yet have a price but estimate $450,000. We are asking for those whom God calls to own property in Israel to help us buy Beit Shalom. Please consider investing in Israel, in AHI, in the lives of the Survivors. When you make your donation, please designate it for Beit Shalom purchase.
The time is now! The house is being put up for sale. We either buy or start all over again somewhere else. Please consider helping us establish AHI permanently in the current Beit Shalom!
If you would like more information on this property for consideration, please contact us and we will send you particulars concerning the land and house.
Thank you for blessing the Holocaust Survivors of Israel.
3. Shalom TV with TBN Russia
We have been asked to work with these TV stations to bring the stories of our Survivors live to Russian speakers in 180 countries. The Survivors have asked us constantly to get their war accounts heard. There is a hope that hearing from the Survivors in Israel will encourage those still in the Russian speaking countries that they too can live in the land that belongs to the Jewish people.
The cost is $3200/month to pay for the photography and travel to the homes of the Survivors. Please consider helping us sponsor this opportunity for the Survivors!