International Holocaust Remembrance Day January 27, 2019

Every day Holocaust Survivors still remember those they lost during WWII… they desperately need us to remember them!

A child of five watching their father and brothers murdered outside their front door while her mother is simultaneously giving birth…

A young man of 17 hiding in the forest watching for three days as soldiers bury his parents alive and the ground moves as they try to claw through the dirt…

Girls ages 8 and 5, in the ghetto,  left to care for their new baby sister as their mother is taken away.  The baby dies in their arms…

Mother, daughters 8 and 5, are subject to an “aktion” in the ghetto.  Only the 8 year old lives and scrabbles to survive over the next three years…

A young woman survives five concentration camps but her entire family is murdered.  How can she not have survivor guilt?

These are actual accounts among those who have survived the Holocaust.  They remember the details, the sounds and the smells, and live with it every day of their lives.

This one day is set aside for the world to remember those traumatized in the Holocaust and all their families murdered.  Please take time to pray for them.

We also ask for your prayers that we of AHI have the wisdom, and the resources necessary, to give aid and joy in the midst of their needs and loneliness.

Please consider helping the Holocaust Survivors. Time is running out for them…


Will you help?


E-Giving (recommended) or PayPal


Wire USA: 


Wells Fargo Bank, 420 Montgomery St, San Francisco, CA 94104 USA

Abundant Hope International

Acct #2000037731777



Same info except change for SWFT code: #121000248 


Tzedek le Dorot, Shaldag 18, Akko 232449 Israel

Bank Hapoalim #580530830


Thank you for being a “Giver” to Holocaust Survivors.

“A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great.”   Proverbs 18:16


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