by Susan Heagy
The past five weeks I have been in the UK, spending a lot of time in Lowick, Northumberland, England. I was here in this quiet country partly for rest, partly to work for AHI and also to put in some time writing. But God had something unexpected planned…
Through my hostesses here in Lowick, Jan and Clare, they spoke to Dorothy who spoke to Jo which led to Simon Barrett, the host of The Middle East Report on Revelation TV. A few phone calls and emails later, I had a date set to appear as a guest on his program.
The studio is located several hours south of Lowick, so Jan and I took the train into London, did a whirlwind tour on an open topped bus, stayed overnight then took a taxi to Revelation TV studio. Simon met us, put us at ease and we did the interview.
It was a great privilege for me to meet a man who has such a heart of compassion and love for the Jewish people, Israel and especially the Holocaust Survivors. His program is presented with truth, integrity and a strong fight against anti-Semitism . Simon is a man who is truly called to be a Watchman on the Wall.
Our interview can be seen on Revelation TV at this link:
Since it was just broadcast in UK on October 31, it is now available as a taped interview on their website under Revelation TV/Programmes: Middle East Report.
Revelation TV in UK has an incredible history (you can read it on their website) and presents news and information clearly and with integrity. I encourage you to make it part of your go-to for information.
We will be adding a link to their website to our Resources page.