Change is one thing that stays the same in Israel. In this case the decision to move or not is now in our hands- well, mostly. It has been a rollercoaster for us here at Beit Shalom. After being informed we were to move, the decision was changed. Now the house is for sale and we have been asked to purchase it.
Our desire has always been to purchase this property due to the location and size. We are right next to neighborhoods of Holocaust Survivors and we can send our Volunteers straight from here into the arms of heart-wounded Survivors.
We want to stay. But we have a short window of time to purchase and need help from those who have a desire to partner with us.
If you would like to be part of this purchase, or know others that can help, please contact us or send a donation to Beit Shalom. Thank you for being a part of the AHI footprint on Israeli soil!
Here is an AHI video including Beit Shalom! Click HERE!