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3 Susan flies to Israel and will be there for six months
4-24 Volunteers of Holland – Richt to do pedicures & Oeds to do renovations for Survivors
16-23 Concert pianist David McClintock of USA- to give concerts for Surviivors, both in clubs and in their homes
4-23 Volunteers of USA – Walter, Bruce, Bruce Jr, Ricky & Gerald to do renovations for and visit Survivors
June Volunteers from Russia, Siberia and Vietnam coming to visit and assist the Survivors
July Volunteers from Finland coming to visit and assist the Survivors; openings for Volunteers
Aug-Sep Volunteer openings
October 22 Sukkot BBQ for Survivors at Beit Shalom, Israel; Openings for volunteers
Consider coming to volunteer! Last year we had 90 total attendance! We need you to come and help!
Oct 24 Susan returns to US for speaking tour.
Nov 13 Israel Festival of Memphis – Susan will be there!
To have Susan come speak of the Survivors, about Israel
& introduce her new book “Why is Great-Grandma So Sad?”
call 717-557-5775, 717-542-8810 or email;
to call Susan in Israel after May 4, 2016: +972-54-8100-441
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