HaShem continues to amaze us with His Plans!
Additional $1000 for MegaVoice units of Psalms!
As of July 1st, Yonatan is now on staff with AHI full time. His full salary was provided for July! Please consider helping us for August, or each month.
Enough to pay for another month of TBN Russia broadcasting in 180 countries plus Israel; Rodnoy TV in USA is next! The Survivors are thrilled to know their personal accounts are being shared worldwide!
Current Beit Shalom Managers:
August: Michael and McKenna, USA
September & October: Lars and Gitte, Denmark
For summer: Dalit a Yonatan
For Fall, possibly winter: Elena
New openings:
We have been invited to assist and bless Survivors in Hadera, Tel Aviv University area and near Sea of Galilee. Pray we follow the instruction of Adonai. Pray also for additional personnel to assist with these wonderful opportunities to bring more Survivors honor!
Concerts are being requested for small pockets of Survivors, or in the homes of Survivors who cannot leave their apartments or rooms. We are in need of more musicians to fulfill this need and desire.