While Some Things Change, Some Stay the Same

Dudley Goff of IFO, Susan Heagy of AHI and a Survivor with a new Heirloom quilt

Stay the same:  Heirloom Project  – Those who survived the Holocaust came away with their lives, but their family history such as heirlooms and items handed down through generations did not.  The goal of AHI is to replace those lost memories with new ones.  Here are 50 handmade quilts given out by AHI through the generosity of Israel Food Outreach, Tikva Rabah and Joseph Project.  Thank you for blessing the Survivors of Nahariya!

Change: Not immediately, but our current translator Elena will be leaving us this year.  The date is unknown as she is waiting for a visa to come through for Canada.  This means we must prepare NOW for an additional/new Russian translator.  This position has free lodging and a one year visa, renewable for a second year.  IF YOU SPEAK RUSSIAN/ENGLISH AND WANT TO COME TO ISRAEL, PLEASE email volunteer@ahi-il.org or call US 717-557-5775 Israel +972-54-8100-441

Stay the Same:  Visits continue, letters and packages from adopters are translated and delivered.  Volunteers come and help with errands, bring music to Survivors and tour Israel. Renovations are done for Survivors and repairs are completed at Beit Shalom like our pergola!  Three men, one from Holland and two from Germany made the needed repairs.  Hallelujah!




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