They Survived the Holocaust…

This section features the true experiences of Holocaust Survivors we see and visit today.  This is to fulfill their requests,

“Remember us!  Tell others of our experiences so we are not forgotten!”


Born in 1935 Ninel was six years old when the war began.  Living in Ukraine she and her family suffered from both Stalin and Hitler.

Ninel’s father was forced into the Red Army to fight against the Germans and went to the front.  Ninel did not give any information on her father so we assume he either died or it is unknown.

When he left to fight she, her mother and grandmother ran from the Nazis and went all the way to Uzbekistan.  There her mother was a teacher of children.  They stayed there until 1944 when the war was over in their part of the country.  But when they returned nothing was left.  Their house was gone, everything was gone.

In WWI all their relatives stayed in their homes and when the war was over they returned and everything they owned was safe.  But WWII was nothing like the first war.  All of Ninel’s relatives stayed when they ran.  “They refused to take refuge or evacuate hoping the Germans would not touch them, just like it was in WWI.  But WWII was different- so all of them were killed.”

Ninel became a Russian Literature teacher, left Ukraine and lived in Russia.  She had two children and it was very difficult to live there.

In 1996 she came to Israel with her husband and children.  But soon after they came her husband died.  She feels her life here is good and remains active.

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