January 27 was International Holocaust Remembrance Day; to remind us of the terrible history of the Holocaust and those who suffered during that time.
Holocaust Survivors themselves don’t need a day to remind them of their trauma as they remember it well, too well, day and night. For that reason we Remember them 365 days a year. We offer hugs, kisses, visits, birthday flowers, deliver letters and gifts from Adopters, concerts, errands, renovations, transportation, phone calls, cards and unlimited love.
Alexy, awaiting surgery for lack of circulation in his leg, was frequently falling. We had provided transportation from the hospital the day before. His wife Zina called and asked for help. We bought a walker and he was all smiles to be able to stand again, with confidence. We also gave them hand-knit socks from Finland and a heater. Wow! Happy to have warm feet and a heater against winter cold!
Beta was so pleased to wrap up in her new handknit shawl as she could immediately feel warmer! As a Hebrew and French speaker she shared her experiences in the war. Our videographer, Dan, recorded it so she and her family members could have the account. AHI retained a copy as well to keep her history for future generations.
Birthdays are very important to us all. But for a Survivor it is one more year they have lived and defeated the Nazi intent to kill them all. They have Survived and we celebrate their life with them!
Yehudite is the lone Survivor of her family. All of them were gassed in Auschwitz except her brother who was shot. She keeps their photos together with candles burning in their memory. But visiting her brings such a smile of satisfaction because now someone rembered HER!
They all deserve to be remembered, to be honored and brought before HaShem in prayer. We ask for help in this endeavor. They are dying one every 30 minutes and our time is short. Help us let them know they are not forgotten.