by Cynthia Russo
“Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.” (Psalm 127:1)
How many times have we discovered that our own efforts don’t bring a desired result? Had we just read the directions, or sought advice, or asked for help, the result might have been more successful. At Abundant Hope, it is increasingly clear that without the Lord’s involvement, our efforts will not achieve its desired result.
The chief way to involve Him, our Master Builder, is through prayer. Prayer isn’t something we have to do, rather, it is something we get to do.
There is an old hymn with a line that reads, “what a privilege it is to carry everything to God in prayer.” Prayer is a privilege as well as a necessity. It is He “who knows the plans He has for us” (Jeremiah 29:11-13)
We know that, as a Father, He already knows what we need before we ask, but even as our earthly fathers do, He likes it when we draw close to Him and ask Him for what we need—or better yet, when we ask what He has in mind to meet that need, or solve that problem.
How can we have “the mind of HaShem” if we don’t commune with Him, putting our heads together, so to speak, in prayer? We lay our problems at His feet and humbly, yet expectantly ask for His best solution. What is His vision? His plan? His will? His way? And we wait to hear what He places in our hearts and minds and spirits.
As much as we like it when our grown children come by and ask our advice, we believe Father God likes that, too. At AHI, we believe that God has a plan to prosper this work and give us hope.
We appreciate those who have agreed to partner with us in prayer to our wonderful Elohim, to seek His will and His way as we do what He has called us to do for the Survivors of the Shoah.
Please consider joining our prayer team and pray for the Holocaust Survivors!
Click HERE: Prayer Calendar July and August 2017 to get the printable calendar for July and August 2017 so you know what is needed!
Please contact us at to join the AHI Family for Prayer!!