United Kingdom
Susan was interviewed for The Middle East Report with Simon Barrett, on Revelation TV, UK. Simon showcases truth concerning Israel and the Holocaust. First aired on September 16th and 18th, it can now be viewed on their website: http://www.revelationtv.com/programmes/episode/middle-east-report92146
Coming up! Susan will be traveling in the USA from October 25 to December 9. San Antonio, Texas the first part of November (Don’t Forget To Vote!), Memphis area November 10-20 and in PA Nov 22-December 8. Check the schedule and come see us!
Susan is scheduling speaking engagements now in these areas but there are times still available. Call now to set your date! USA 717-542-8810, ISRAEL +972-54-8100-441 or email susanh@ahi-il.org
Our amuta (Israel charity) is taking on more responsibility. The actual work is being shared / transferred from AHI to the amuta. As the umbrella, AHI will continue to care for and build the Israeli force and fulfill responsibilities, but the charity in Israel is gathering more workers who will be directly related to the supervision in Israel. This is a definite answer to prayer! Thank you to those who are praying!
We depend on our Volunteers and are grateful for giving their time for the Survivors. To volunteer please contact us at hope@ahi-il.org or go to our website www.ahi-il.org.
In the first two weeks of October, AHI will be filming a DVD to share about our work with the Holocaust Survivors. When it is completed we will release a notice and you can obtain a copy. We would ask that you share it with others and help us help the Survivors. Their time is short and we need to call on others to “Remember!”
Welcome a new member to our staff in Israel:
Orr, Translator, Translation and visitation, doing a vital and important work. We are glad to add another translator to our team!
Israel and Cyprus
Elena, our volunteer at Beit Shalom in Akko, married on September 15, 2016. She and Alex flew to Cyprus for their wedding. After completing her volunteer service with AHI they will live in Canada.