Nancy with her Survivor, Rela, who had amazing strength and resilience. Surviving the murder of her children and 3 concentration camps, she “adopted” Nancy to replace the daughter who was killed in front of her.
In this last newsletter of 2017 we are featuring Holocaust Survivors, the people of AHI and stark reality of this work. Read on to see those who have given their hearts, time, talents, prayer and donations.he Survivors we serve, sweet and forgiving and those who impact their lives with your care, visits, letters and love- you are the ones for whom we give thanks to HaShem. This last issue of our 14th year is for you, about you. We could not have done any of it without you.

Frida, lonely and sad, fearful when we first met her. Today, after receiving regular letters, love and prayers from her Adopter, we see a change. A few days ago she smiled as she told of dreams of her mother. She is out walking, talking to everyone and a delight!

Nina, who shook and cried for 45 minutes as she shared her story of murder, fatigue, horror and survival with us. Afterward, she knew we were friends to trust, as we just held her and listened.

Polina, and her brother, Efim in their new kitchen. Mattias of Germany is the builder to whom gratitude is given. Also a renovated bathroom. Did they ever expect this? No. It came through love, prayers and donations of their Adopters.

Misha is an artist. He has stamped Israeli coins for us over the last 7 years. At 95 yrs he can no longer stand long enough to do them. But his memory of the Holocaust is sharp. He does not forget his parents and family being murdered in the forest. He painted a picture of the trees and it hangs on his wall…

Polina receives our help with groceries or errands when her leg bothers her. Ever since she was knocked to the ground and robbed she has trouble walking.

Polina needed new glasses. We took her to a shop and helped her get fitted. We also took her with our translator to the hospital for a doctor appointment. She is fighting cancer.