Beit Shalom has been through a few changes over the years- house style, locations, yard, size and purpose. Here you can see some pictures of the past to see how far we have come.
The first three pictures are from our first Beit Shalom, gardens and then volunteers bringing us bags of items for Survivors.
To the right- all those men lined up, they were working for the Survivors and staying at our current Beit Shalom. Directly below on the left is a group from Finland giving coupons to Survivors from an apartment we had for two years named Beit Tikva!
The picture to the left is Oeds from Holland repairing the wall at our current Beit Shalom. Above is an AHI board member leading volunteers from three different countries in Shabbat dinnner.
Different places and lots going on… But one thing has not changed and that is our need for prayer. We still would like to own our own place. We see new things on the horizon and we are already running out of room. Please pray with us for God’s Provision at the right time!