Shalom to all!
I have arrived in Israel and am settling back into some routines from before, planning new avenues and beginning to look for the people God has in mind to oversee this work.
Tiger, the Resident Cat, welcomed me in a very feline manner- he ignored me at first. After awhile he forgave me for being gone and we have settled back into the habits of before- he wants fed and attention and I fulfill his demands.
It was great to be able to meet Elena and Galina, our translators, but it was for a short time. To continue their status here as volunteers with our amuta Tzedek leDorot (Justice for Generations) they needed to return to Siberia for other paperwork. But they are coming back and we welcome them.
Doug and Kris, friends from the US, were here when I arrived. Also our AHI regular staffers were already here, Brecht from The Netherlands and Hannah from South Africa. They have been quite busy with visiting and assisting with the updating of Survivor information. Staying abreast of the changes with Survivors- if they moved, died, are sick, need renovation, deliver birthday flowers or letters and packages from Adopters, and more- is a lot of constant and intense work. We value our workers who keep track.
I have visited with Abraham, our oldest translator- though he finds translation more difficult these days. He is looking forward to his 92nd birthday in January. Abraham is beginning to feel his age and has had to give up playing badminton. However, he likes to reminisce about the many people he has played and still stands undefeated! A few that stand out in his mind are Korrie and the two brothers, Caleb and Joshua.
My very close friends Hagai and Sima are doing well and it was a pleasure to spend an evening with them. As always, they offer help with “anything you need, and you know we will do it with all of our hearts!” Yes, it is true. They give of themselves completely.
Next week I will be in Jerusalem for meetings, one of which will be with Gidon Ariel, CEO of Root Source and co-author of “Israel First!” Gidon and a variety of Jewish rabbis and teachers have a great website offering teachings especially for Christians and Gentiles. I am very impressed with what they offer and their book is eye-opening, especially if you are interested in the Jewish point of view concerning the Blood Moons, Shemitah and Jubilee years; I highly recommend it. After that I will be having lunch with a special lady, a Survivor from the Kinder Transport of WWII.
Writing now from our AHI / JFG office in Akko, it is Erev Shabbat. Shops are closed and in a few hours everything will grow quiet. With the sunset Shabbat begins and a time of rest settles over all. Israel is a country that values the day God commands for rest. I find when I am here it is much easier to take time out when everyone does it!
And so it is time to rest in Him,