AHI & TBN Russia TV Channel Partner: Videos of Survivor Telling Their Holocaust Experience

As of April 15, Holocaust Survivors are telling their own accounts, in their own words, and are being broadcast in 180 Russian speaking countries!

In addition they are being shown in Israel and on Rodnoy TV in the US.  TBN Russia alsoTBN Russia logo (Small) AHI logo 2014 (Small)has their station on the internet.  You can go to this link and see the Survivors’ telling their stories.  http://shalom.media/

The videos are in a YouTube format so they can be shared.TBN Rodnoy (Small)

For now they are in Russian, but soon they will be translated into English and Hebrew.  Help us give the Survivors this opportunity before their lives are over!  Share the space and blessing with others or be the sole sponsor.  The credits at the end of each video showcases those individuals and businesses who give and sponsor each month of broadcasting Survivor accounts.

Expecting $3000/month of expenses God surprised us and the cost is even   lower!  Only $2500 is needed every month to bring a professional film crew into the homes of the Survivors and record their experiences to share with the world.  In broadcasting terms, that is very inexpensive.survivor screen shot 2 (Small)

Help us give the Survivors this opportunity before their lives are over!  Share the space and blessing with others or be the sole sponsor.  Your gift is tax deductible: Designate survivor screen shot 5 (Small)“Survivor TV.”  Remember, 100% of your gift will go to this project.  Please, help us make it a reality  for these Survivors to share their experiences!  Be asurvivor screen shot 4 (Small) part of fulfilling their requests:

Survivor screen shot 1 (Small) “Remember us!  Please tell others about my experiences that I shared.  Tell others so it is remembered and does not happen again!

survivor screen shot 3 (Small)Editor’s Note:  Each of these Survivors pictured have had the opportunity to tell their story and are now on a YouTube for TBN-AHI.  Thank you to the sponsors who gave them the chance to tell their history!


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