by Barbara Auman Hill, AHI Team Leader
“A covenant-call to be G-d’s people, far from being primarily an invitation to special privilege, is first of all a summons to special responsibility.” So writes the unknown author from whom I quote.*
As G-d’s covenant-people come before Adonai in prayer on behalf of others, rather than ourselves, we participate in His covenant-call to that special responsibility. This is what being an Intercessor on the Abundant Hope Intl. Prayer Team is all about.
The writer goes on to say, “G-d calls a people to live in response to the needs of others, to live in right relationship with G-d, to bring [His] justice and mercy to the land, and to lead the way toward peace and freedom.”
I repeat: this is what being an Intercessor on the AHI Prayer Team is all about.
Sometimes our intercessions are about the specific needs of the “others” – the Russian Jewish Holocaust Survivors entrusted to AHI as recipients of His provision. Sometimes we pray for material needs for AHI that will ultimately and ALWAYS benefit the Survivors. Sometimes we pray for the Leadership, the Board members, the Staff and the Volunteers whose lives become broken matzo and poured out wine for the Survivors.
This covenant-call to this special responsibility brings us before Adonai in the full knowledge that “Unless Adonai builds the house, its builders work in vain. Unless Adonai guards the city, the guard keeps watch in vain.” Ps. 127:1
The AHI Prayer Team calls upon and fully depends upon Adonai to provide what is truly needed for the protection and provision of the Survivors.
I invite you to become an Intercessor with the AHI Prayer Team.
*(Excerpts in italics are from “Seeking God’s Peace in a Nuclear Age” Author Unknown, CBP Press, St. Louis, MO