A palindrome is a word that reads backwards and forwards with the same meaning. Mom and Dad are examples. The Hebrew word reads the same. It translates “And they shall give.”
Giving is cyclical. The one who gives will always receive. Below are comments from Holocaust Survivors who have been blessed by the giving.
“Why are you helping me? Did you know since you are not Jewish you don’t have to do this?”
“I don’t know why you are doing these things for me but I am so glad you came to help! I did not think anyone outside of Israel loved us!”
“If everyone were like you there would be no more wars.”
“You helped us so much; my neighbor needs help so can you go there too?”
“I did not know what I was going to do. I had no money to make the repairs. No one helped me but you. May HaShem bless you and may you all live to 120 years!”
“My husband had his leg amputated and he is in a home for rehabilitation. We had no money left and could not afford it and we received help through AHI. They also painted our apartment, gave us a kitchen table and chairs, a microwave and an air conditioner. We had nothing but they helped us.” (This was a large need and their adopters helped them with these costs.)
“I have been so lonely and only you came to see me; only you have helped me to the doctor. I told my neighbor how you helped and we decided you must have come from God.”
Whatever we have, we give to the Survivors of the Shoah. But when we do not have enough to give and help, what do we tell them? How can we say,
“We have nothing more for you?”
We are in need of your giving. To those who give regularly we appreciate you so very much. There is comfort and security when we see regular support. We can plan our actions based on what we know. But there is more we can do and their needs are increasing with age.
Most of our staff are still volunteers: President, AHI Directors, staff- we do not receive salary and most do not receive expenses. The needs are for the Survivors and administrative costs.
For a complete list of projects and related costs please call Linda, AHI Administrative Assistant and Prayer Coordinator 717-557-5775 or you can email her at admin@ahi-il.org
The impact of your giving has no limits.