“A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” Proverbs 18:24
We often refer to all people we know as “friends.” We lump together those with whom we work, parents of our kids, our girlfriends or guys we work out with, Facebook friends (until we ‘unfriend’ them) along with a precious few “real friends.” Why do we do this?
Would we call a parent of a friend of our children to tell them a potentially embarrassing situation we are dealing with? Can we depend on a “friend” on Facebook when a terrible accident has devastated your family?
In Exodus 33:11 refers to Moses and God speaking face to face, “as a man speaks with his friend.” Moses trusted God totally, implicitly.
Who is your friend? Do you have someone close, someone you can trust and turn to in a time of need? Yahweh is our Friend. You can trust Him. But He has purposed that we can each be “be closer than a brother.” Lock arms with the one He provides. PRAY earnestly for one another.
Find out whom you can trust with your very life.