This is a picture of Beit Shalom in Akko, Israel.
Upstairs is our office, storage cabinets for Survivor gifts and a private apartment.
Downstairs are enough beds for 10 Volunteers to stay at one time. The garden is enclosed, big enough for 60+ Survivors to attend a BBQ. We are walking distance to the homes of Survivors. From this location we handle the adoptions of Survivors, provide lodging for Volunteers, Guests and translators, run the office, pay bills, and make everything happen that needs to happen for the Holocaust Survivors.
This house is for sale. AHI would like to buy it. We have 9 months.
Please pray for the funding to be provided. Tell your friends and others you know. Help us to make this a permanent home for Beit Shalom so we can keep serving the Holocaust Survivors in Israel. Contact us at if you can help.
Thank you caring enough to help.