After Volunteer Groups Leave

Today I am working in the office catching up on lots of typical things involved in overseeing an organization.  Over the last eight weeks we have had several groups of volunteers with singles in between or overlapping.  In other words, both Beit Shalom and our schedules have been full!

Countries represented: USA, the Netherlands, Israel, Germany and visitors from Jordan.   1. Renovations both for Survivors and at Beit Shalom. 2. Lots of visits to Survivors by those speaking English, Russian and German/Yiddish.     3. Held 8 concerts of either violin (Germany), accordian and violin (Israel) and a singing group Dolci Vita (Russian/Israel).    4. Richt, medical pedicurist (Netherlands), blessed many Survivors with needed help       5. Elena (translator) gave assistance as an advocate at doctor visits.  6. Susan and Oeds (Netherlands) did lots of taxi service to get the groups everywhere they needed to be!  7. Sima (Israel) helped with the accounting and secretarial for our Israeli amutah.

We are multicultural in our work, both those we help and those who come.  It is God alone who makes it possible for all these cultures to come together and work as one.  He gives us the ability and, of course, we have one goal in mind: bless the Holocaust Survivors.

We still have people coming and going but in smaller numbers now.  It is only a matter of time when the next group will arrive.  We are ready and welcome them!  It is always interesting to see whom God will team up!

As Maximus said to his fellow gladiators in the colliseum, “As ONE!”   And so, we work together “As ONE!” to fulfill what God has for the Holocaust Survivors.

Catching up and preparing for those who are coming… is it you?


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