Every month we continue to produce a program called “Living Stones.” It features the actual accounts of Holocaust Survivors in Israel sharing their historical experiences from the Holocaust of WWII.
This program airs in 180 countries on Russian stations. Thousands of letters arrive expressing interest and gratitude for this program.
In the USA the program airs on Rodnoy TV.
Producing these programs does two things. First it fulfills the request of the Survivors to tell their war accounts everywhere we go. How much better to send their testimonies to that horrible time around the world?
Second, this is a victory over everything Hitler’s Reich tried to do, trying to wipe out the Jewish people and hide his atrocities.
This program is very important. It costs only $2500/month which is a low price for broadcasting. However, we need your help. Can you please consider assisting us with the production costs? Let’s keep their personal stories alive!
You can donate right on our website!
Thank you and God bless you!