by Susan Heagy
I have been traveling the last six weeks and would like to give a recap on the organizations and people I have met in different areas of the world.
San Jacincto, CA USA
Met with Scott Miller, Mayor of San Jacincto, and he is encouraging us to increase contact with Israeli government officials. He is a strong advocate for the support of Israel and the Jewish people.
San Diego, CA USA
Met with Rosemary Schindler-Garlow and Pastor Jim Garlow of Skyline Church, who are fully supportive of work and care among the Holocaust Survivors. They bring tours to Israel and promote standing with this country! They have also placed our book “Why is Great-Grandma So Sad?” in their gift shop.
Paradise, CA USA
Shared at Harai Yeshua who are fully supportive of Israel and concerned about the Survivors in their final years. Their interest in the Survivors with AHI was high and many purchased the “Why is Great-Grandma So Sad?” books.
Vancouver, WA USA
Shared at Rehoboth Congregation where I had the previous year Skyped them on a Shabbat. This group has a sincere heart for the Survivors!
Hear Susan sharing with Rehoboth Congregation, streaming on their website, may be purchased in three parts; link below:
Tikvah Rabah
A group of ladies who make quilts and other crafted items for Survivors within Rehoboth Congregation. They’ve supplied special quilts for their own adopted Survivors through AHI. Glenda and her friends are partnering with AHI.
An outdoor gathering to present Israel to the community, sponsored by Rehoboth Congregation. Ted Pearce performed and others shared their music. We gave out info on AHI and sold “Why is Great-Grandma So Sad?” books.
Israel Food Outreach
Dudley Goff ships containers of dry soup for the poor in Israel and quilts made by Tikvah Rabah. He happily promoted “Why is Great-Grandma So Sad?” books.
London, England – Revelation TV
Simon Barrett, Middle East Report on Revelation TV, invited me for another interview. He is a gracious host and skilled interviewer who loves Israel and has a huge heart for the Survivors. He also promoted the “Why is Great-Grandma So Sad?” books to help support the Survivors.
Birkenhead, UK
Hosted by Ed and Jill and their large dog, Ariel, and two big cats. Thank you for your hospitality and transportation!
Queensferry, North Wales
Father’s House Summer Gathering pastored by Mike Fryer. The 4-day conference was focused on prayer, centered on support for Israel and included prayer for the Holocaust Survivors.
Glenys of WOW (Women of Wales)
Glenys and the ladies in their group called WOW, make crafts to give to the elderly, and Holocaust Survivors. We are partnering to bless the survivors and Glenys is coming to Israel with some of their group to volunteer with us!
Nancy’s Farm, South Wales
I was blessed to meet Nancy, her special friends Ruth and Christine, and many other fantastic people. Phil and Brenda helped in arranging for me to share about AHI and our Survivors. All attending were like-minded in supporting Israel and we had a good evening..
I experienced a warm welcome by many in Nancy’s 1620 farmhouse along with invitations to return! The house and farm were a quiet place to wind up my travels before returning to Israel.
We hear much about the increase of anti-Semitism around the world. However, I can definitely say I see an increase in those who are willing to stand up in support of Israel and for her people, especially the Survivors of the Holocaust. PTL!