To serve any people group you need someone who will be the hands and feet. Obviously, if you do not have someone to do the work, it will not be done.
It is the same serving the Holocaust Survivors.
In Akko we have 324 Survivors on our list. Maybe half are married and we reach out to their spouses as well.
In other cities we serve a total of approximately 1000 Survivors in various ways. That number fluctuates depending on their moving, deaths or entering nursing homes. We track all of them on a regular basis.
Staff doing this consists of:
- Susan, president, full time volunteer
- Leonid, full time paid translator
- Liza, part time paid translator 12-15 hours/month
- Elena, paid caretaker/cleaning for 11-12 Survivors or 22-
24 hours/month
- Sima, part time volunteer secretary for our Israel amutah
Our greatest and immediate need is to be able to pay Leonid for his full time work and also to increase our staffing of caretakers. Here is the monetary breakdown:
Leonid – current salary 5500nis ($1524) / month + transportation. This is extremely low and we want to pay him his worth. Our goal is 8000nis/mo ($2218). Living in Israel is expensive. Leo was born in Azerbaijan, immigrated to Israel, has a background in banking and is a professional nurse. He is also engaged to be married!
Caretakers (metapelats) – work for AHI at 100nis ($28) /per Survivor, per week. That would be 2-3 hours for each Survivor each week. How much support we receive for this need will determine how many Survivors we can serve. Our immediate goal is for 25 Survivors in need.
An example is Leonid, 82 and Sofia, 80. After breaking her hip and spending time in the hospital, Sofia is home but can barely move on her own. Leonid has a heart condition and cannot take the stress of her weight to help her. They have a caretaker a total of 6 hours a week. They have asked for another but must wait to be approved. We want to give them the relief they need.
As always we ask you to pray and see if the Lord is encouraging you to support these needs. If so, the Survivors will reap a harvest for your investment!