It is written in Tehillim [Psalms] 147 verses 1-6:
“How good it is to sing praises to our God! How sweet, how fitting to praise Him! Adonai is rebuilding Yerushalim [Jerusalem], gathering the dispersed of Yisra-el [Israel]. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds, He determines how many stars there are and calls them all by name. Adonai [our Lord] is great, His power is vast, His wisdom beyond all telling. Adonai sustains the humble but brings the wicked down to the ground.”
Ever since I have had the privilege of being a part of what Adonai does through Abundant Hope Intl. as the Coordinator of the Prayer Team, I have learned of the many creative ways He heals the brokenhearted Shoah Survivors and binds up their wounds. He has done it, and continues to do it, through the prayers, thoughts, words, and actions of the leadership of AHI. And by ordinary human beings who have come from many nations to be the human conduits of that healing as they have worked and volunteered to demonstrate His LOVE to these precious elderly children of His. (I refer to them in my prayers as “angels with skin on”.)
The AHI Prayer Team has been an integral and indispensable part of those demonstrations of love……..not by actually being there in the flesh, but by being constantly in intercessory prayer for those who have been there and who are there now and for those who will come in the future.
I encourage you who are reading this……please ask Adonai if He would have you apply to become an active intercessor for AHI. You may never be able to get to The Land (Israel) to love (personally) on one of these extraordinary Survivors, but through Spirit-led prayer, you CAN be there at all times! Please contact
May Adonai’s promised blessings be abundantly experienced in your lives as you come before Him in intercession for ALL of Israel, ALL Jews everywhere, and – of course – for the Shoah Survivors to whom AHI expresses His love.