Beit Shalom Community Center

How do you move forward from a vision to the real thing?  Prayer, discussion and the advice of professionals!

Working out the vision, writing the plan plain and detailed, placing reality and numbers together.

Our vision is to provide housing for Survivors who have no family.  AHI will be their family, giving them an atmosphere of care and assistance; a peaceful place to live.

 To achieve this we believe returning them to a village atmosphere of safety, independence and community would be ideal.  Imagine them in an efficient, accessible but comfortable bungalow, surrounded with flowers and greenery, but connected to their neighboring bungalows with walkways wide enough for walkers and wheelchairs.


Centralized among the bungalows would be a center with AHI offices, a small grocery, a clinic, barber/hairdresser and event room.

These images are not actual but are an example of what we want to provide.  Single or duplex homes, big enough to provide them the space they need but small enough to maintain and  be situated in a village atmosphere.

We will update you in each newsletter of our progress, but we ask you will join us in prayer as we seek to bless the Survivors who are truly alone.  What a terrible way to spend your final days after the trauma of your youth!  We want to bring them Shalom!

If you would like to donate to this project: Beit Shalom Community Center

To join us in prayer to provide Survivor housing you can email:


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