A text came in that someone who loves Israel was donating 10,000 masks. The person who expected to receive them would not be available- would we be able to receive and disperse them?
Happy to help, we put the customs process in motion. A few days later a big truck pulled up and we got 5 large boxes of 2000 masks in each one. The masks were in boxes of 50 each.
We had already begun working on lists, determining the first to receive will be Holocaust Survivors and elderly. Next, we began separating them into plastic bags for cleanliness and ease of disbursement. Finally, included in each bag, is a card with Psalm 18:3 in both Hebrew and Russian and the AHI logo.
Our first stop for giveaway was a hostel by the sea in Akko. It has been in lockdown during the virus and remained so even after. We have not been able to see or visit the Survivors for several months. We offered to come and distribute masks and were invited in!
When we arrived the front gate was locked and a guard was inside. We signed papers for our ID and our temperatures were taken and recorded. We entered, wearing masks, checked in with the manager and began the distribution.
Everyone had gotten used to no longer seeing anyone, locked in the facility. They were so surprised and happy to see us! We kept our distance, chatted a bit, blew kisses, took some pictures and even were given ‘air hugs’ by a couple! They were happy with the free masks- one couple was quite pleased as they were just going out to purchase some! We were grateful to be able to distribute the masks to all.
Over the next few weeks we will be getting masks to over a thousand Holocaust Survivors in both hostels and private homes; elderly in Haifa, a couple serving ambulance crews and IDF, nursing homes, caretakers and a few others in need.
It is such a privilege to be part of this blessing! Many thanks to the special donor who gave out of their love of Israel!